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130 Years Ago

The footprints: It has been proposed to John Mackay to pay the expenses of running a drift into the side of the State Prison quarry so that the line of footprints rich in geological treasures can be stripped and more fully explored. The footprints all appear to come from or go toward the mound which is formed somewhat like a beehive ... It is possible that the place was originally a habitation or temple. There may be treasures inside the hill. Exploration could make the city of Carson famous throughout the world.

120 Years Ago

Wedded Bliss: In the city of Empire at the home of Ex-Senator Evan Williams, William Seth Bliss and Mabel Evelyn Williams were joined in the bonds of holy wedlock by Rev. John Hyslop of St. Peter's Episcopal Church ... The grounds around the house were lit up from end to end and between the trees hung long strings of Japanese lanterns ... Wedding gifts, about $5,000 worth, came from east and west ... The bride, Mabel Evelyn Williams, is a graduate of Snell's Seminary and the groom, William Seth Bliss, a graduate of the Boston School of Technology. He is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Bliss of Carson ... he will return to take charge of a portion of his father's lumber interests at Lake Tahoe.

70 Years Ago

Nevada protests gas rationing: Highway commissioners of 12 western states protested against rationing of gasoline. There are 48 towns with populations of 25 to 600 each with no direct railroad service but served only by stage, bus, automobile or truck.

50 Years Ago

Joe Conforte: Former Nevada brothel operator has been ordered to stand trial in Federal District Court on charges of income tax evasion ... The 36-year old former vice figure is presently serving a three- to five-year prison term for attempted extortion.

30 Years Ago

Jobless rate: The state jobless rate tops 10 percent. The Nevada Employment Security Department's statistics show 50,100 persons out of work.

• Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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