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100 Years Ago

The rabbit’s foot has long been employed to ward off the hoodo, but it may be used in a practical way too. A rabbit’s foot on the desk of E. D. Frazzini bore evidence of use as a pen-wiper. Mr. Frazzini stated that “in the old country, they always used rabbit’s feet for that purpose.” Even in the schools in his native land, children were taught to use them, without any thought of chasing the hoodo.”

Churchill County Eagle, Saturday, April 4, 1914

Gloves for Easter…we have 16 button silk gloves, also kid gloves. To have your Easter gown have its most entrancing effect, it is very essential your corset should be the right kind. We have them. Silk and cotton union suits, low neck and with umbrella drawers, $1.50 and $2.50.

Churchill County Eagle, Saturday, April 4, 1914

75 Years Ago

The old Wonder mining camp east of Fallon, once a teeming little city that produced more than 6 million dollars in mineral wealth, is taking on the appearance of activity with thirty-seven souls all engaged in mining operations, shipping out more ore than at any time in the past 20 years. C.W. Vanderburg of the U.S. Bureau of Mines is making a mineral survey of Wonder and Churchill County for the bureau.

The Fallon Eagle, Saturday, April 1, 1939

Bert Whitney had been riding the range for many a year and when he needed a new saddle, he decided he’d better carve an exact model of what he wanted for the saddle maker to make sure it came out right. A chunk off a cottonwood tree, a keyhole saw, a chisel, a hammer, a pocketknife and a hoof rasp – these were all Bert Whitney needed to carve as nice a sculpture as you ever laid eyes on – and he sent it in with his order. Bert Whitney handles horses at the Eastgate Ranch for Wayne Wightman and Pete Cushman, and if he rides like he models in wood, he sure knows his bangtails.

The Fallon Eagle, Saturday, April 1, 1939

50 Years Ago

The establishment of an underwater search and rescue team is underway in Fallon. This unit is headed by Ray Sizemore, Fallon Police officer, and Art Block, State Highway Patrol officer. Although the team will be primarily for rescue, it will also help locate lost motors, fishing equipment, etc. Fallon Eagle-Standard, Friday, April 3, 1964

Taxes are again in the spotlight in Churchill County, what with April 15th right around the corner. Uncle Sam will have his hand out on that day to receive income taxes - $2,389,000 in Federal taxes from Churchill County residents.

Fallon Eagle-Standard, Friday, April 3, 1964

ROPER DRIVE-IN opens with a bang…double feature, Elvis Presley in “Girls-Girls-Girls” Plus Jerry Lewis in “It’s Only Money” Friday and Saturday, April 3 & 4.

Fallon Eagle-Standard, Friday, April 3, 1964

A View From The Past…Stories from the Churchill County Museum archives, researched and compiled by Margo Weldy, Churchill County Museum Assistant.


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