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100 Years Ago

Auto enthusiasts from all parts of Nevada swarmed into Reno last Saturday , attracted by the automobile races for Memorial Day. Fallon was there in force because R.L. Douglass had entered with his Stutz racer and his friends confidently expected he would carry away the laurels. They reckoned rightly for he took the lead early in the 77 mile race, not making a single stop the entire distance. Five cars started the race, but the Mercer wrecked at the first turn, and the Thomas car met a similar fate. Two Hupmobiles were in the race to the finish behind the Stutz.

Churchill County Eagle, Saturday, June 6, 1914

VOLCANIC ERUPTION Mount Lassen in California has been dormant for one hundred years, but following this eruption, smoke and vapor have been issuing from the new outbreak. This outbreak is caused by geyser action as rapidly melting snow slides into the fissure of the crater. Alexander Sifford, brother of W. Sifford, formerly of Stillwater, visited the volcano and stated that it is about 325 feet long by 75 feet wide. Its depth is unknown. J.L. Brambilla was held over the edge of the crater by other members of the party while observations were made and photographs taken, this being very difficult owing to gases, steam and dust at the craters edge.

Churchill County Eagle, Saturday, June 6, 1914

75 Years Ago

The first step towards assuring rodeo has an extra attraction at the 1939 Nevada State Fair were taken when 60 ranchers and businessmen met with Thomas Dolf, President of the Nevada Agricultural Society, and others at city hall…Horsemen, breeders, exhibitors, trainers, cowmen and lovers of fine horse flesh will be treated to a stock horse show entirely too elaborate to be part of the Reno Rodeo program.

The Fallon Eagle, Saturday, June 3, 1939

No time is being lost by White and Alter, contractors on the three two-room primary schools now being erected for the Con. B district. The Old High building is to be torn down as soon as the term ends and brick from the old building will be used for the outer walls of the new structures…the Oats Park School graduation program will include orchestra numbers, the operetta “Jack In The Beanstalk” and presentation of diplomas which will be given out to 36 young people.

The Fallon Eagle, Saturday, June 3, 1939

50 Years Ago

Churchill County develops about 300 acres of new irrigated land every year. The question arises as to how far can a farmer go in developing rough land. A rule of thumb formerly used was that the average cut (on one half of the area) could not be over one foot. This makes 800 cubic yards per acre, which at 12 ½ c per yard is $100 per acre, or about all anyone would invest in leveling new land.

Fallon Eagle-Standard, Soil Conservation Service by J.L. Fowler, Tuesday, June 2, 1964

A View From The Past…Stories from the Churchill County Museum archives, researched and compiled by Margo Weldy, Churchill County Museum Assistant


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