Video stalker gets maximum sentence

Rodney Milton Skan is led into East Fork Justice Court by a jail deputy on Thursday morning in this screen capture.

Rodney Milton Skan is led into East Fork Justice Court by a jail deputy on Thursday morning in this screen capture.

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A Reno man who had 400 videos of more than three-dozen different girls taken at sporting events across Northern Nevada over the past 18 years told East Fork Justice of the Peace Tom Perkins he didn’t know why he did it at his Thursday sentencing.

Rodney Milton Skan, 59, was sentenced to six months in jail. He received 40 days credit for time served already after he was arrested at Douglas High School for videotaping a female athlete at a track meet.

Schools across Northern Nevada have already banned Skan from their grounds by issuing no trespassing notices to him.

Prosecutor Maria Pence suggested suspending part of the time Skan would spend in jail in order to prevent him from visiting anyplace where children congregate as a condition of probation for two years.

The six-month sentence is the maximum penalty for misdemeanor stalking. Pence said Skan’s date of release is Sept. 30. Once he has finished his sentence he will not be supervised.

Perkins also issued an order to the media preventing them from naming or taping the victim in the case.

Skan was arrested on May 3 after someone noticed he was taping an athlete when she wasn’t competing. A school administrator and deputy watched Skan and then followed him into the parking lot where he was detained.

Authorities were on the lookout after a previous incident involving a different man occurred in Carson City on April 26. That man was arrested for accosting one of the runners and resisting arrest. There is no indication Skan and the other man knew each other.

Douglas County District Attorney Mark Jackson said Skan had videos of student athletes focusing on specific body parts going back for years.


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