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100 Years Ago

For Union of Schools. The committees appointed by the Smart, Wightman and Wildes school districts have rendered their report on the question of forming a union of schools and the movement is said to be a unanimous success.

Churchill County Eagle — May 2, 1914.

Clean-up Day for Fallon. The ladies of the Draper Self Culture Club started the movement. They also purpose to have a public watering place on the street to quench the thirst of horses.

Churchill County Eagle — May 2, 1914.

Offer of Mediation Accepted. War with Mexico will in all probability be averted. The president accepts an offer of mediation from Brazil, Argentina and Chile. The elimination of Huerta is said to be part of the plan submitted by our southern neighbors in Proffer of Good Offices to Prevent War.

Churchill County Eagle — May 2, 1914.

Senators Offer to Enlist. Senators Fall of New Mexico and Sheppard of Texas have written the president offering their services in the operations against Mexico. All offers have been sent to the war department.

Churchill County Eagle — May 2, 1914.

75 Years Ago

Working Cowboys Riding all Local Horses is the Plan. Definite assurance that Fallon will have a two-day rodeo this year, May 20th and 21st fixed as the dates, was given this week following a meeting of the American Legion Post. Members of the committee plan to make the show one for hard working cowboys, non-professionals who will ride all local stock. It has been pointed out that there are plenty of bangtails around Fallon. Any owners who have some real buckers are invited to get in touch with the committee, and $10 a head will be paid for useable stock.

The Fallon Eagle — May 6, 1939.

Once Drove Stage Here, Now Rides Bike at Age 93. Riding a bicycle keeps a fellow young. Take it from Joseph B. Chambers, 93, who has his forty year old bike licensed in San Jose. Mr. Chambers it is said is the same Joe Chambers who was driving the daily stage carrying passengers, mail and express from Wadsworth to Stillwater.

The Fallon Eagle — May 6, 1939.

50 Years Ago

Players Hunt Lost Equipment. What has happened to the Babe Ruth uniforms and equipment? This is the question being asked by the new managers of the Babe Ruth teams this year. A desperate search is out trying to locate missing team uniforms and equipment. Because of this shortage, the opening of the seasons play has been held up. The replacement of these articles is a great expense and causes a hardship on the Mothers Auxiliary, who furnishes the money to buy all these necessary articles. Because they put a large amount of their funds into making the Little League field a modern diamond has left their funds low. All over the country “Let’s play ball” is being echoed, except here in Fallon where the Babe Ruth League is nearly at a standstill until this serious problem can be helped. So let’s get the mystery of the equipment and uniforms solved and get our playing season started.

Fallon Eagle Standard — May 1, 1964.

From the Past….Stories from the Churchill County Museum Archives, researched and compiled by Cindy Loper, Churchill County Museum Assistant.


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