100 Years Ago
Local Happenings. ●The remains of the Alfalfa club building, known as the Allen House, has been removed, much to the improvement of that part of town. ●E. F. Vanator and wife of the Island District left for their old home in Ohio, having leased their ranch to Howard E. Smith. Mr. Vanator came here for the benefit of his wife’s health, which was greatly improved, but he himself has been poorly for some time and he will therefore spend a year at his old home in Ohio. ●Remember the firemen’s ball and banquet on Saturday evening. ●A dance will be given at Clark’s pavilion this evening for the benefit of the grammar school basketball team. ●Mrs. Frank M. Hoy left yesterday for Salt Lake City where she will meet Mr. Hoy and return to Fallon by auto over the Lincoln Highway. ●If Maupin can’t fix it, throw it away.
Churchill County Eagle — November 6, 1915.
Home Grown Sugar Saving Millions to Consumers. For the first time in the history of the sugar industry, American grown beet sugar is now on sale in every state in the Union with the possible exception of Louisiana.
Churchill County Eagle — November 13, 1915.
75 Years Ago
Churchill 4-H Girls will Compete in Chicago. Three Nevada farm girls, all from Churchill County, are now preparing to test their skills in homemaking in competition with 4-H club rural girls from other states at the national 4-H club congress in Chicago. Nevada’s three winners this year are Frances Baumann, 19, who lives on a farm in the Harmon district, Ann Sherman, 17, whose family operates a farm in the Union district and Mary Peer, 16, whose father is a general farmer in the Sheckler district.
The Fallon Standard — November 6, 1940.
Movement for City Band Gains Interest. At a meeting held in the council chambers last Friday, consideration in the formation of a municipal band was discussed. It was the unanimous opinion of all attending that such a band would fill a need here and gain ample support. There is no conflict seen between city and school groups.
The Fallon Standard — November 13, 1940.
50 Years Ago
Circus Motif for Wine Tasting Festival. This Saturday the local Armory will be magically transformed into a circus for the Knights of Columbus annual Wine Tasting Festival. The Armory will be decorated with a circus backdrop, and a large carousel, where the orchestra will sit, will occupy the center of the Armory. The wine tasting area will contain eight varieties of wine.
Fallon Eagle–Standard — November 2, 1965.
Four Prisoners Escape from Churchill County Jail. Four prisoners escaped from the Churchill County jail last weekend while the two officers on duty were out on a call. Two of the prisoners were apprehended on Sunday. When queried how such a thing could happen, Sheriff George Wilkins explained that the door to the cells had been locked and checked, but due to the age of the building, the old sliding lock had apparently not slipped all the way in and the women prisoners were able to get the door to their open, enter the main office, take a huge brass key out of the desk drawer, and unlock the cell where the men were.
Fallon Eagle–Standard — November 2, 1965.
From the Past….Stories from the Churchill County Museum Archives, researched and compiled by Cindy Loper, Churchill County Museum Assistant.
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