Past Pages for August 21 to 24, 2021

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

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145 years ago
The State’s woodpile stretches its dun length along the Southern and Eastern lines of Capitol Square fence and grows longer day by day. It is excellent wood, we should say, from not a close inspection of it; but is a pity it could not be more safely stored than in the basement of the Capitol, where we suppose it is going to be put after it has been sawed and split.
140 years ago
Congressman Daggett was in Carson yesterday moving about among his constituents. Life at Washington has not changed his portly figure, but has given him a look not exactly of the sagebrush. He countenance tells of a better quality of wine, a more subdued gaslight and less glaring attacks of of sun reflected from alkalai.
120 years ago
Yesterday Carson was visited with a refreshing rain. It was a welcome visitor, as everything was pretty dusty.
80 years ago
President Roosevelt today signed the McCarran bill which imposes maximum fines of $50,000 and five years’ imprisonment on conviction of transporting stolen cattle in interstate commerce.
50 years ago
An estimated $17,000 worth of antiques, including furniture, silver and paintings, has been reported stolen from the Rinkle Mansion, it was learned late Wednesday. There are no reported witnesses to the theft.
20 years ago
Critical shortage applications to fill two vacant state positions and keep two veteran administrators are on the Board of Examiners agenda for the week. Designating those positions as critical shortage will allow those two persons to collect salary and retirement.


145 years ago

Discharged From Custody. Charles Huff, who has been for some weeks past an inmate of the Ormsby county (Carson City) jail where he has been held to await his third trial upon a charge of murder (having been lately tried for the same in the District Court), has been discharged from custody, a nolle prosequihave it been entered by the District Attorney (of Storey County). Huff looked as happy as if he had just got religion, when we saw him yesterday.

140 years ago

The news was received here yesterday the Geo. Daily, a well known Nevada character, had been killed by Apaches in New Mexico. Daily had recently located a mining district about fifteen miles from the Santa Fe railroad. A few days ago H.M. Yerington received a letter from him stating he was on the eve of making the biggest financial strike of his life. It appears some Apaches committed some outrages near the district and Daily dreaded a crowd to go and fight them.

120 years ago

A Mushroom Town. The Pioche Record says that Calientes is growing metropolitan like and the townsite, or rather we should have said, the city site, has been laid out and a map drawn of the same. The blocks are 300 feet square and the streets are eighty feet in width.

80 years ago

Nevada’s historical background will furnish the theme for this year’s Admission Day celebration October 31, according to Bernard C. Harding, general chairman of the observance. “A Pageant of the Past,” embodying historical highlights of Nevada since admission 77 years ago, will highlight the galaxy of events.

50 years ago

Nevada Gov. Mike O’Callaghan received a letter with the name Howard Hughes signed at the bottom, and people close to Hughes say the letter is from the billionaire recluse. O’Callaghan said he would not disclose the contents.

20 years ago

The Meals on Wheels program at the Carson City Senior Citizens Center is $33,000 in the red and in dire need of help. Although the neediest seniors are not in danger, 15 are on the waiting list with no help in sight.


145 years ago

The Hayes and Wheeler Club (white) upon the arrival last night of the National Guard Band from Virginia, formed in procession and marched behind the music to the meeting place of the Colored Club and gave them a serenade. Some short speeches were made, some hearty cheers given and much genuine Republican enthusiasm made manifest.

140 years ago

The meagre accounts which have reached posterity relative to the Hare and Tortoise race have always left the idea on the public mind that the distancing of the Hare in the first heat was a piece of shenanigan on the part of his jockey. There can be no doubt that the hare threw the race.

120 years ago

Tonopah has a preacher. We have sized him up and believe he is all right. We’ll take a chance on him anyway.

80 years ago

Gasoline was rationed by filling stations in the Capitol today (Washington D.C.) as Sen. Francis T. Maloney, D., Conn., pressed for inquiry to “let the people know” what they will expect in the future.

50 years ago

a report prepared for the Pyramid Lake Task Force indicates a limited amount of water can be salvaged in the Reno-Sparks area to provide additional inflow to the Indian-owned lake, subject of a sensitive water controversy.

20 years ago

A month after allowing top officials in Public Safety to begin collecting retirement benefits on top of their salaries, the Board of Examiners has decided it should look at the issue more carefully.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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