Election 2022: Nevada Secretary of State


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4-year term

Libertarian Party of Nevada candidate Ross Crane didn’t respond.

Cisco Aguilar

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Business Owner and Attorney

Age: 45




Cisco Aguilar


Record of service

Over the last 20 years, I worked as Special Counsel to Jim Rogers, Chancellor of the Nevada System of Higher Education, and as General Counsel for the Andre Agassi Foundation for Education. I was also appointed to the Nevada Athletic Commission by Governor Jim Gibbons and reappointed by Governor Sandoval, serving for a total of 8 years and 2 of which as the Commission Chair. I also participate broadly in the community, serving as a member of the Board of Directors for Sletten Construction Company, the Las Vegas Bowl, and the Fulfillment Fund Las Vegas.


I received my Bachelor of Science degree in finance and accounting, Master of Business Administration (MBA), and law degree (J.D.) all from the University of Arizona.


Why are you running?

Nevada is a state that has so much opportunity, for ourselves and for our children. I want to help Nevada become more efficient as a government, reduce bureaucracy, and enhance access to services that are too often out of reach for many Nevadans. Our recovery as a state depends on empowering our small businesses and restoring Nevadans’ faith in government. I’m running to be Nevada’s next Secretary of State because we need to ensure that our government works for all Nevadans.

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for

The Secretary of State serves as the state’s top election regulator and oversees all corporate and business filings across the state.

A brief statement about your platform

Voting Rights: I will be a Secretary of State that all Nevadans can trust, no matter who they voted for. I believe that voting should be accessible for all eligible Nevadans, regardless of their political party, and I’ll make sure Nevada remains one of the nation’s leaders in accessible, secure voting.

Small Businesses: As a small business owner who launched a startup in the middle of the pandemic, I know that our system isn’t working for working Nevadans. As an attorney who has handled corporate filings for years, I know no small business owner should have to hire an attorney just to navigate the Secretary of State’s system. We need to do better, because small businesses are the backbone of Nevada’s economy.

Election Worker Protection: If elected, one of my first acts as Secretary of State will be passing legislation that protects Nevada’s election workers. Our public servants have been the victims of harassment and violent threats, prompted by conspiracy theorists from the extreme far-right. I will make sure our election workers, who are our friends and neighbors, are protected and can do their jobs without fear.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

As Chair of the Nevada Athletic Commission, it was my job to ensure the rules and regulations applied fairly to all of the competitors that stepped into the boxing ring. As Secretary of State, I will do the same as the top regulator of our state’s elections. I will protect our fundamental right to vote because all of the issues that our community cares about are on the ballot. That’s why it’s vital that every eligible voter has the chance to participate in our democratic process and know that their vote counts.

The Secretary of State also sits on the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. As an avid hiker and biker, I will do everything I can to project this beautiful part of Nevada’s landscape.

Having started my own business during the pandemic, I also have first-hand experience and know what the office can do better to help individuals like me. One component of that is streamlining the business portal. Access to capital is also key to success. That’s why over 12 years ago, I helped bring Chicanos Por La Causa to Nevada which is one of the largest community financial institutions in the country to help solve the access to capital issue for small business owners. I believe that my business experience, legal background, and dedication to our state make me the most qualified person for Nevada Secretary of State, and I hope to earn your support.

Janine Hansen

Party: Independent American Party

Occupation: State President Nevada Families for Freedom

Age: 70





Janine Hansen


Record of service:

As State President of Nevada Families for Freedom I have served as a citizen advocate at the Nevada Legislature for Families and Taxpayers full time since 1981.  I have been particularly concerned with election legislation making sure the elections are fair and honest.  I serve as the State Chairman of the Independent American Party which provides voters a choice of candidates who support the Constitution and believe in less government, more individual responsibility, and family values.



Honors graduate from Sparks High School. Attended University of Nevada Reno, Graduated magna cum laude with a B.S. from Brigham Young University


Why are you running?

The SOS oversees election integrity in Nevada. The 2000 election created great concern over the honesty of our elections.

In 2021 the Nevada Legislature placed into Nevada Statutes AB321 which included all the bad features of the AB4 from the 2020 Special Session. AB321 included ballot harvesting (which had previously been illegal in Nevada), universal mail-in voting, electronic rather than human signature verification, with virtually no safeguards to ensure that returned ballots are legitimate.

My top priority is to return our voting system to the which existed before the 2020 election,


Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.

The Secretary of State serves as the Chief Elections officer of the State of Nevada. In addition the Secretary of State is responsible for corporate business filings in Nevada.


A brief statement about your platform

As Secretary of State I would advocate for changes by the Legislature in the Nevada Election Law to return to our election process the safeguards of previous years which provided Nevada with one of the safest and most legitimate election processes in the nation.

In addition, I would publicly expose the critical fact that the Legislature, by mandating Automatic Voter Registration at the DMV, made sure there is no way to distinguish a driver’s license of a citizen from a driver’s authorization card of a non-citizen (illegal alien). This means that the Secretary of State and any local election official has no way of determining by checking the number on a driver’s authorization card or driver’s license if the person registering to vote may not be a citizen.

We must return to an election system that people can trust.


What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position

I have been a citizen advocate for families and taxpayers at the Nevada Legislature my entire adult life beginning in college. I know the legislative process and how to get things done.  As an Independent American I have and do work successfully with people from both major parties. I rigorously participated in the election committees advocating for election security and integrity for decades. I have the most experience and long term commitment on these issues of anyone in the race. I have executive experience having been the President of Nevada Families for Freedom, a nonprofit organization, for many years

Editor’s Note: Jim Marchant didn’t submit a questionnaire. We are including information from the primary in an effort to educate voters.

Jim Marchant
Party: Republican


Record of service: Nevada Assemblyman 2017, D-37
Education: Troy State University

Jim Marchant


Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for:
Supervises state and local elections.
Registers and files candidate contribution and expenditure reports.
Registers corporations, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships, and business trusts.
Registers trade names, trademarks, professional corporations and associations, and rights of publicity.
Records Uniform Commercial Code statements and documents.
Appoints, trains, and regulates Notaries Public.

A brief statement about your platform
1. Voter ID
2. Paper Ballots
3. Eliminate Mail-In Ballots; Keep Traditional Absentee Ballots 4. Single Day Voting
5. Unfettered Poll Watch Reforms
6. Aggressive Voter Roll Clean-Up

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
I have the right experience and the right vision for the office.
I’ve held political office as Nevada Assemblyman, lobbied for internet freedoms, and been a tech entrepreneur. I’ve set up three successful tech companies in my time. Those in-the-know like Donald Trump have called me a “legendary businessman.” I know what it takes to start and sustain a business, set goals for an organization, and see that those goals are accomplished. Career politicians like my opponents do not.
I’m a proven conservative. Multiple conservative organizations including the ACU have rated me the most conservative legislator in the Nevada Assembly. I’m conservative down the line and proud of it. Have been for decades. I’ve never voted against my beliefs and no amount of money or promised influence can change that. That’s been my commitment for decades.
I am the only candidate who has fought consistently against voter fraud. I delved deeply into the problems with our election system after November 2020. Tens of millions of Americans didn’t trust those results for good reasons and those reasons can easily be resolved by eliminating the possibility of voter fraud. This is something all Americans of goodwill can get behind.
Since filing over a year ago I’ve called for a Voter ID law to give elections a level of security enjoyed by airports, banks, renters, pet adoption agencies, hotels, employers, clubs, bars, liquor stores, and the government for licenses and other privileges.
I’ve raised the alarm over ballots mailed to voters, unnecessary and inaccurate voting machines, the bias of mass media, the malign influence of Big Tech, the corruption of local election officials, and the great effort by elites to undermine our elections overall. Nobody else has. They are too afraid to be called “crazy” or “out of touch.”


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