Past Pages for May 7 to 11, 2022

Downtown Carson during the Nevada Day Parade in about 1950.

Downtown Carson during the Nevada Day Parade in about 1950.

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150 Years Ago
Photographic: For the very best photograph, go to Friend & Marston’s brick gallery on Second Street in Carson.
140 Years Ago
Our Prima Donna: Miss Emma Nevada (Miss Wixom of Austin), the American prima donna, has caused quite a furor in Rome. She has a light soprano voice and sings with extraordinary ability. The Americans all managed to visit the theater at which Miss Wixom was performing.
130 Years Ago
Mrs. Jesse James says that her recent assertion that she should go to her grave without telling what she knew about her husband was not intended to apply to her book. She will tell nothing of her husband’s life to newspapers.
100 Years Ago
Movie: Pioneer Days film will be shown soon. The developing of the negative film taken by the Duhem Motion Picture Company of San Francisco for C.A. Ambrose’s “Pioneer Days of the West, 1849-1921” will be completed this week. About 8000 feet of pictures have been “shot.” The first showing of the picture will be made at the Grand theatre in this city within a week or ten days.
70 Years Ago
A-bomb: United States atomic scientists completed preparations for the first pre-dawn nuclear detonation inside the United States in Nevada since early 1951.
30 Years Ago
Ambulance fee hike: City supervisors agreed to a price hike rather than a reduction in services. There is a growing demand from the city’s elderly for expert emergency care. Ambulance fees increase 4 percent beginning July 1. Current fees average $477 per trip.
150 Years Ago
For the picnic: If a sufficient number of passengers to fill a stage can be found with people desirous of attending the Red Men’s picnic, a coach will provide. It will leave from the Ormsby House at 8 o’clock a.m. for Bower’s Mansion. Those interested in this opportunity must book their names at the stage office so that no one will be disappointed.
140 Years Ago
Dog Town placer: John C. McTarnahan of this city is preparing to resume hydraulic mining in the old Dog Town diggings, six miles north of Lundy. He has a long flume constructed, and an unlimited supply of water in green creek. There are thousands of acres of gravel adjacent to the tract owned by Mr. McTarnahan that appear rich in gold.
130 Years Ago
All sorts: The weather flags predict almost anything in the shape of a storm.
W.D. Torreyson has just finished a fine four in hand wagon for the Nevada Creamery Company.
100 Years Ago
Twin Lakes movie: “Brawn of the North” is being filmed around the beautiful Twin lakes country. Working like Trojans, they plan to complete the film before the snow disappears from the foothills. “Strongheart,” the Belgian police dog is insured for $50,000, and has been taking a leading role in the work. Irene Rich is the heroine and L.C. Shumway, the hero.
70 Years Ago
Special movie: “Carson City” is coming May 21. The film stars Randolph Scott, the engineer, who builds a railroad; Lucille Norman, a reporter; and Raymond Massey, chief of the “Champagne Bandits.” This two-fisted western of the 1870s may vary the history slightly to give the plot more action. Besides the three top stars there are: Vince Barnett, Richard Webb, and James Millican…
30 Years Ago
Advertisement: The New Movies 4 — ‘Ferngully,’ ‘Folks,’ ‘City of Joy,’ ‘White Man Can’t Jump Up,’ and ‘Passed Away.’
150 Years Ago
Who has lost her bow: A storekeeper on the north end of Carson Street has found a bow supposedly left by a young lady who visited the store. Anyone proving that it is their property and the circumstances attending to the loss, can recover the same.
140 Years Ago
In a new line: “Needles,” the tragedian has sworn off drinking. He delivered a temperance lecture in that camp, not so much for pecuniary gain as to impress his hearers of his sincere reformation. He did not contain himself to the other temperance question but interlarded his lecture with little side remarks that were not complimentary to his fellow citizens — he made a hurried departure from the hall through a rear door.
130 Years Ago
Horse pound: There are now thirteen horses in the pound, awaiting owners and eating the county hay. They are not over fed, however.
100 Years Ago
Grand Theatre: William S. Hart in “The Whistle.” Mr. Hart has the unusual role of a mill foreman in a New England town who seeks to carry out a plan of vengeance. Myrtle Steadman is the leading woman. Also, a Sennett Comedy, “Sweetheart Days,” admission 10 and 30 cents.
70 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Carson Theatre —'The Lady and the Bandit’ with Louis Hayward and Patricia Medina. Cartoon and Little Rascals Comedy.”
30 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Doug Moreland’s Reno. 1991 Subaru Justy 4x4 “What a Drive!” $6,995, Voted No. 1 Bargain Car 2 Years in a row!”
150 Years Ago
The Defiance Mine: Ten tons of ore have come from this mine and will be shipped to Thos. H. Selby in San Francisco. He has agreed to purchase it and says the ore is as high as $400 a ton, consisting of sixty percent lead. Great results are anticipated from the development of the Defiance.
140 Years Ago
Decrease in opium smoking: Carson police have been called upon to arrest a white person for smoking opium. The Chinese continue to whiff the deadly pipe, and they can continue on until Gabriel toots his horn.
130 Years Ago
Pink powder: The two frauds who went about Carson a few weeks ago selling pink powder to prevent lamps exploding are in Douglas County, where they have been exposed by the Courier as they were by the Appeal. No one bit at their game except people who don’t read newspapers.
100 Years Ago
Odd names for mines: Nevadans like to give mines and district names. There is the singing Alto, the many-eyed Argus, the Allied, the dawning Aurora, the troublesome Apex, Aladdin of the wonderful lamp… Then there is the Cornucopia, the horn of plenty; the geologic Contact, the alluring Dividend…. Many names start with that yellow metal as Gold Zone, Gold Seam, Gold Wedge, but Nivloc is unusual. It is Clovin spelled backward.
70 Years Ago
Atom test: The 18th test of a nuclear device will be at the southern Nevada atomic testing site, weather permitting. The scientists have given no hint whatever as to what type of device is to be detonated.
30 Years Ago
New TV series: The comedies include “Delta,” Delta Burke’s debut as star of her own series; “Camp Bicknell,” is a lighthearted comedy about a young divorcee. Two of the new one-hour shows are: the medieval “Covington Cross” followed by “Crossroads.”
Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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