Odin is an adorable 8-month-old pitbull mix. He is very sweet and loves people. Odin needs to build his confidence and work on socialization. He is good with children, other dogs, and loves to play.
Provided to the LVN
Dear readers, I want to remind everyone to come to our fabulous garage sale on Friday, April 26, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday, April 27 from 8 a.m. to noon. We will be in the Oasis Church, 1520 S. Maine St.
We are still accepting items so clear out your garage, storage shed or basement and bring them to the Oasis Church on Thursday, April 25 from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Call 775-423-7500 for details.
The CAPS garage sale is one of our main fundraising events. As you probably know, we are a non-profit organization and we need our community to come together and help us make it a big success. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue no matter what you are looking for I’m sure you will find a treasure to take home.
We will have many wonderful items for sale including antiques and furniture. This is your chance to find something delightful for a bargain price. If we don’t have it, you don’t need it! Our prices cannot be beat and I hope to see you there!
On another note, a new resident to Fallon recently asked me what exactly CAPS was and how they could help sustain our no-kill shelter. I explained the 38-year history of CAPS and how our wonderful community has supported our efforts through volunteering, donating, and attending events.
CAPS operates primarily through fund raising, donations, and volunteers. While we do receive some funding from Churchill County and the City of Fallon, our major source of income comes from the fundraising activities that we sponsor throughout the year and donations from the public. Any amount is helpful and you can donate directly to CAPS on Facebook by just hitting the donate button.
How can you help CAPS? We are always looking for volunteers. Right now, we need board members, dog walkers, and donors. Another way to help is to be present at our events. After the garage sale, our next big event is Bark in the Park on June 8. Mark your calendar now and plan on bringing your BFF for the 5K walk/run.
Of course, there will be booths, food, contests, and raffles. Would you like a booth for your endeavors? Call 775-423-7500.
Puppies! We have two puppies, one four-month-old female and one eight-month-old male. Cat lovers, we have three fabulous felines. Come out and meet them. Call 775-423-7500 for details.
• Board members! We need energetic, enthusiastic, community-minded folks our board. We meet once a month the second Tuesday at 5:30. 775-423-7500 for details.
• Funds to spay/neuter puppies. Our funds are depleted. Any contribution will help.
• Bleach, laundry detergent pods, toilet paper, and paper towels.
• Aluminum cans. We will pick up your cans; give us a call at 775-423-7500. You can also drop them off at CAPS.
• Diane Peters our “cat lady” for paying two veterinarian bills. You have a great Cat-titude!
• The sweet couple who provided food, dog beds, and items for our guests. A Four-Paw-Salute to you!
• The anonymous donor for the generous monetary donation. Kindness never fails!
• CAPS is open to the public on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. We suggest appointments for adoptions and food pantry.
• April Holiday: Animal Cruelty Awareness Week is April 14-20.
• View our wish list at Chewy.com.
• Would you like a newsletter? Call 775-423-7500 or email caps@cccom.net.
• CAPS’ mailing address is P.O. Box 5128, Fallon, NV 89407. CAPS’ phone number is 775-423-7500. CAPS’ email address is caps@cccomm.net. Please visit the CAPS website (www.capsnevada.com) and Facebook page (Churchill Animal Protection Society). Be sure to “Like” CAPS on Facebook because we are likeable.
Kathleen Williams-Miller is a CAPS volunteer. Email jkwmil@outlook.com.