Carson High girls basketball

Senators’ shake-up nearly leads to a win

Dahlia Keating dribbles past a Galena defender Saturday in a 50-46 overtime loss against the Grizzlies. Keating led the Senators in scoring with 14 points.

Dahlia Keating dribbles past a Galena defender Saturday in a 50-46 overtime loss against the Grizzlies. Keating led the Senators in scoring with 14 points.
Photo by Jeff Mulvihill, Jr. | InstaImage.

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Carson High girls basketball shook up its starting lineup Saturday at home against Galena and nearly left with a victory.

The Senators led after the first, second and third quarters, but Galena was able to tie the game at 42-all to send it to overtime.

In the four-minute extra period, Galena was able to secure a 50-46 win.

“Today we made a bunch of changes. We changed our starting lineup because what we were doing had hit an impasse,” said interim head coach Nate Tolbert. “We switched our starters up and forced it to be team ball.”

Dahlia Keating was 5-of-11 from the floor and ended the game with a team-high 14 points.

Nine other Senator players found the scoresheet in the loss, led by Alondra Carillo and Tarrah Borrowman’s five points apiece.

Galena’s Mia Turner was a force, putting together a triple-double of 28 points, 13 rebounds and 10 steals.

The loss to Galena comes two days after a tightly contested battle against Reed.

The Raiders were able to muster a 44-36 win in Carson, behind a 17-8 third quarter.

Ashley Waiksnoris and Lauren Finnerty each had 10 points in the defeat while Makayla Rabideau had six.

“We’re moving in the right direction. We had an opportunity to win at the end (against Galena) and that’s all you can ask,” said Tolbert.

UP NEXT: Carson (5-10, 0-6 in Class 4A North league play) took on Bishop Manogue (12-1, 7-0) Tuesday and ends the week with a tough test, hosting Douglas (10-5, 5-1) Friday.


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