2024 Nevada Primary Election: Republicans for Congress District 2

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Mark Amodei

Occupation: Member of Congress

Age: 65

Contact: 775-241-8828, Amodei4Nevada02@gmail.com, www.amodeifornevada.com

Record of service:

Congressman Amodei served with the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General Corps, from 1983 to 1987.

Awards and Honors: Army Achievement Medal, Army Commendation Medal, and Meritorious Service Medal.

Upon receiving an honorable discharge, Congressman Amodei returned home to become an attorney with the law firms Allison MacKenzie in Carson City from 1987 to 2004 and Kummer Kaempfer Bonner Renshaw and Ferrario (now Kaempfer Crowell) in Reno, Nevada from 2004 to 2007.

Served in the Nevada Assembly from 1996 to 1998 and in the Nevada State Senate from 1998 to 2010.

Served as President of the Nevada Mining Association from 2007 to 2008.

Served as Nevada Republican Party Chairman until May 2011, when he stepped down to pursue the Republican nomination for Congress.

Congressman Amodei was elected to serve Nevada’s Second Congressional District following the September 13, 2011 special election.

118th Congress Committee Assignments: House Appropriations Committee.

Subcommittee Chairmanship: Homeland Security.

Subcommittee Assignments: Financial Services and General Government; Homeland Security; Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies.

Caucuses: Congressional Western Caucus, Army Caucus, Congressional Joint Strike Fighter Caucus, USO Caucus, Veterans Job Caucus, Public Broadcasting Caucus, Italian-American Caucus, Conservative Climate Caucus, Postal Preservation Caucus, ALS Caucus, American Canadian Economy and Security Caucus.


Carson High School – Class of 1976.

University of Nevada, Reno – Class of 1980.

McGeorge Law School, University of the Pacific — Class of 1983.



Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.

Serving Nevada’s Second Congressional District with integrity, prioritizing Nevadans’ needs, promoting transparent and intelligent voting, oversight of federal agencies, and delivering top-notch, Nevada-first constituent services. Cutting through political noise to ensure responsible, honest representation, dedicated to doing right by Nevadans.

A brief statement about your platform.

I’m proud to be battle born and raised, and am committed to improving the lives of Nevadans. Throughout my service in Congress, I have proven that being a thoughtful, transparent, conservative voice resonates with the people in Nevada’s original congressional district. I am fighting to support our top industries, protect our small businesses, and ensure Nevadans are able to live, work, and raise a family without the federal government getting in the way. I would be honored if you choose to send me back to Washington for another two years. I will continue to put forward policies that will secure the border, protect life, preserve the right to keep and bear arms, prioritize veterans’ needs, ensure American energy independence, protect the mining and agriculture from extreme regulation, encourage innovation in the private sector, and keep more money in the hands of hardworking Nevadans.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

I’m proud to be battle born and raised. As a lifelong Nevadan, former Army officer, former assistant U.S. Attorney, and former state legislator who has dedicated more than two decades to public service, I understand the unique needs of Nevada’s Second District. Plain talk, honest answers, and an approachable style of service has allowed me the privilege of serving as Nevada’s Congressman during some unprecedented and challenging times.

Some of my work for Nevada includes:

Voting in favor of the strongest border security package in American history.

Working to keep the federal government out of decision-making that should be done on the local level and in households.

Supporting policies to protect and increase domestic mineral productions to ensure our nation’s economic success, as well as our national security.

Opposing policies that have driven inflation and resulted in sky-rocketing costs for groceries and gas.

Passing the first overall cut to non-defense spending in a decade.

Returning more than $2 million to the U.S. Treasury from my office to be used for debt and deficit reduction.

Conducting oversight of federal agencies as a member of the House Appropriations Committee and fighting for Nevada’s state, local, and municipal infrastructure projects to receive adequate federal funding in a time of tremendous growth.

Providing a Nevada-first constituent services operation on issues ranging from getting nearly $8 million in benefits withheld by the federal government returned to constituents, to assisting veterans in receiving rightfully-earned treatments through the VA.

Voting consistently to cut taxes on American families and small businesses.

Dr. Fred Simon

Occupation: Trauma surgeon and medical legal expert

Age: 71

Contact: fjsmountainreach@gmail.com; www.simonforcongress.com

Record of service:

Director of Trauma for Scripps in San Diego, the largest trauma system on the West Coast. Practiced medicine in 14 states and the Navajo Indian Reservation. Medical legal expert on over 1,000 cases representing patients.


Bachelor of Arts degree from Loma Linda University and a medical degree from Creighton University. He finished a residency in surgery at the University of Massachusetts Affiliated Program.



Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.

Represent Nevadans in CD-2 in the U.S. House of Representatives. The House has control over spending bills for the federal government and responsibility for oversight of executive branch agencies. The office also provides constituent services to Nevada citizens.

A brief statement about your platform.

America is in crisis. We have an open border under the Biden administration and an estimated 10 million illegal aliens will have crossed into our country under Biden. We need to close the border, build the wall, and deport illegals. Next, we need to stop funding these endless wars. The current congress and my opponent, Mark Amodei, are driving the car off the cliff with their reckless spending. We are adding $1 trillion to the national debt every 100 days and that is fueling inflation in food, housing and energy. We need to freeze spending right now. And then readjust spending back to 2018 levels and begin to pay off our debt. Lastly, we need to provide more funding for our rural hospitals in Nevada.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

I am a highly qualified doctor, businessman, and entrepreneur who understands how the economy works. I am MAGA and 100% behind President Trump. I understand how our government is financed and I understand that the runaway spending in congress will destroy Social Security, Medicare, and the U.S. dollar if we don’t rein it in right now. I have been to the border three times and met with Rodney Scott, the Chief of the Border Patrol. We absolutely must act now to close the border, build the wall, deport illegals, and declare war on the cartels. I am a healthcare expert, and every American knows that our healthcare system failed miserably during Covid. We need to eliminate Obamacare and start funding our rural hospital systems. And we need to prosecute Anthony Fauci and Ralph Baric for their illegal, criminal, gain-of-function research that developed the Covid-19 virus.


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