Past Pages for September 18 to 21, 2021

Downtown Carson during the Nevada Day Parade in about 1950.

Downtown Carson during the Nevada Day Parade in about 1950.

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150 Years Ago

State Prison Break: 29 desperate villains are at large. A desperate conflict between officers and convicts took place at the Prison. Lieutenant Governor Denver and four guards were badly wounded. Arms and able bodied men are in demand, the militia was called out, two companies from Virginia City. (To be continued next week)

130 Years Ago

Surprise Party: Friends of Parson Davis and wife piled into the family home and surprised the old folks. Every room was full to overflowing and the merriment was kept up almost to midnight. The Capital Band appeared on the scene and played a number of selections that infused the spirit of mirth. A feast was served. The ladies who managed the affair are to be congratulated.

120 Years Ago

Fine exhibit: The exhibit made by the Carson Indian School student at the Fair is the first exhibit that caught the visitor’s eye. There were neat drawings and carefully written essays. There were samples of steel work, clothing and shoes and fancy works made by the girls. (Journal)

100 Years Ago

Close call, Fire at Orphan’s Home: A fire alarm was turned on when it was found the State Orphans’ Home was on fire. The fire company was on the scene immediately. The fire started in the pantry and was eating its way into the second story. The place was filled with smoke and firemen used gas masks to get to the blaze. When the chemical was depleted, the fire laddies rushed back to Main Street to get water to the building. There was a crack in the main flue which allowed the fire to work up through the partitions and studding. John Chartz, fire chief, stated he believed it was one of the best things that could have happened, as it called attention to the dangerous conditions of the home, where the state is guardian of over 100 lives.

70 Years Ago

School menus: Monday: Spanish rice with meat, cottage cheese, celery sticks, bread, butter. Tuesday: Chicken noodle soup, peanut butter sandwiches, cake, milk. Wednesday: Tamale pie, carrot sticks, fruited jello, bread, butter, milk. Wednesday: Tamale pie, carrot sticks, lettuce, salad. Thursday: Spaghetti with meat sauce, lettuce, salad, bread and jelly sandwiches, milk. Friday: Mashed potatoes, creamed tuna, buttered beets, bread and butter, cherry sauce.

20 Years Ago

Flights: Airlines at the Reno-Tahoe International Airport are trying to get back to schedules, but airport officials said it could take more time. Travelers are stranded in Reno when the FAA shut down the nation’s airspace following the terrorist attack.


150 Years Ago

Prison break: A desperate prison break was made by the convicts in the State Prison which terminated in the death of Matt Pixley of the Warm Springs Hotel. Nearly all the officers of the State Prison were wounded along with several of the prisoners. Twenty-nine desperate villains that ever trod the earth escaped. (continued)

130 Years Ago

All sorts: The hammer and saw is heard throughout Carson. Improvement is in the air. As a matter of fact Carson and Reno are thriving little towns and always will be.

120 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Opera House. All “Fair” Week, beginning Monday, September 23, 1901, Elleford’s Big Company provides plays: Monday, “Secret Service.” Tuesday, “The American Girl.” Wednesday, “A Man of Mystery.” Thursday, “Girl I Left Behind Me.” Friday, “Faust.” Saturday, “The World.” Carload of Scenery Every Night all for 10, 25 and 35 cents.”

100 Years Ago

Moving houses, town closes: The vacant houses in Goldfield are finding occupation in Tonopah. A dozen or more have been moved from the old gold camp to the silver settlement. The Tonopah Extension is placing the houses, and when remodeled, will house married men working for the company at a nominal rent.

70 Years Ago

Photo caption: Go Tonight—These Senators should see a lot of action in the opener against Las Vegas. In the line are Eddie Walker, Jim Crowl, Dan Humphreys, Bob Hamlin, Charles Elges, Jim Calhoun and Kenny Longero. Quarterback is Les Olenslager and others in the backfield are Jim Scoggin, Jake Longero and Bob Berger.

20 Years Ago

Gas price increase: According to the American Automobile Association study, Carson City is being hit the hardest in the Silver State. The price for regular unleaded spiked 34 cents from $1.42 to $1.76.


150 Years Ago

Prison break: The prisoners climbed to the top of the upper tier of cells and cut a hole large enough to admit the passage of a man’s body through the wall into one of the rooms occupied by the family of the Lieutenant Governor. The prisoner had a slung shot [sic] or a handmade knife. They rushed into the room occupied by Mrs. Denver, her mother and daughter. They were instantly met by Lieutenant Governor Denver who started firing at them. (continued)

130 Years Ago

Sacramento fire: Chinatown turned down. Jimmie Benton says $24,000 worth of buildings were destroyed and the fire is still raging.

120 Years Ago

Earthquake: Elko has had another earthquake. Maybe oil gushes under the town that has grown tired of waiting to be tapped and is trying to get to the surface…

100 Years Ago

The Pioneer Day committee is asking people to lend a hand in exhibiting some real pioneer relics by displaying them as exhibits in the store windows. There must be pioneer belongings and trappings that came to Carson with the people who made the first settlement. Carson was settled shortly after Genoa, the oldest town in the state, and with the pioneers the relics were brought to the territory. Miss Annie Martin has secured one of the windows in the Gold Jewelry store and is planning an attractive display.

70 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Announcing the ‘Carson Community Players’ presenting 4-One Act Plays-4: ‘Rehearsal,’ ‘Heat Lightning,’ ‘Moonshine,’ and ‘The Glorified Brat.’ Civic Auditorium, 8:00 P.M. Admission, Adults $1.00, Children 50 cents.”

20 Years Ago

Homecoming: Jeans will be worn and the after the game Saturday night a dance will be held at Carson High School. “King” Candidates: Ryan Budner, Cody Cavin, Ben Moore, Scott O’Brien, Brian Rebholtz, Ryan Wink. “Queen” Candidates, Ali Barister, Brooke Hike, Sara Longero, Erin Stieber, Georgia Wright and Haley Zook.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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