Past Pages for December 2 to 5, 2023

North Carson Street looking northeast in the 1950s.

North Carson Street looking northeast in the 1950s.

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150 Years Ago

Personal: John Centennial Lewis, the veteran editor of the Reno Crescent, has been walking over his old racecourse and his former stamping-ground here. He was heartily greeted by all old Carsonites.

140 Years Ago

In brief: The water mills along Six-Mile Canyon are unable to run at night owing to the freezing up of their wheels.

Jake Klein has been making a valuable land purchase in Southern California, where he will raise oranges and grapes.

130 Years Ago

Timber scarce: Yerington and Bliss will be obliged to suspend their lumbering and wood operation in Lake Tahoe in about two years more, owing to the scarcity of timber. The shores for a mile or two back have been stripped of marketable lumber or twenty years or more Lake Tahoe has furnished the bulk of the timber that has gone into the bowels of the Comstock.

110 Years Ago

Advertisement: “J.A. Muller, druggist, stationery, kodaks and photographic supply, opposite post office, Carson City, phone 121.”

70 Years Ago

Births at Carson Tahoe Hospital: James Martin to Mr. and Mrs. Neal Van Sooy of Carson City, weight 6 pounds 7 3/4 ounce.

Births at St. Mary’s hospital in Reno, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laxalt, weight 6 pounds.


150 Years Ago

A half an inch or so of snow covered the ground in this valley yesterday morning. We learn from captain Pray that there are but four inches on a level on the summit between here and Lake Tahoe.

140 Years Ago

On Sunday evening, Robert Pitcher, of this city, died from a dose of poison, which, before his death, he claimed had been administered by a woman named Lizzie Lindsay. He went to Lyman Frisbie’s house between 2 and 3 o’clock and said that he had just been poisoned and wanted some medicine. He went from Frisbie’s to Dr. Lee’s office where he seen afterwards died with all the symptoms of strychnine poisoning. The woman Lindsay is under arrest and the evidence against her seems clear. She purchased strychnine at Thaxter’s drug store not a half hour before the poisoning took place.

120 Years Ago

Sunday was a lively day in Empire. There was horse racing and plenty of it. The results were that considerable money changed hands and everyone who had a horse than can move out of a walk was entered and raced.

60 Years Ago

“Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Poo, there lived three little children named Jeremy, Sissy and Miss Jo.” So begins the first segment of “Santa and the Haunted House,” to run daily through Christmas in the Appeal.

40 Years Ago

At the movies: Deadly Force, Flashdance, Christmas Story and Amityville 3-D.


150 Years Ago

The remains of our old friend Matt Reese were born solemnly to the grave yesterday accompanied by his brother Red Men and Firemen. There was quite a handsome procession of these brethren of his, and several carriages — such a turn out, in the pelting storm, as told that the old man was earnestly and heartily esteemed amongst his neighbors and acquaintances.

140 Years Ago

The inquest on the body of Robert Pitcher was begun at 10 o’clock yesterday morning. Dr. Lee, the first witness, testified that the deceased came to his office and stated he had been poisoned by Lizzie Lindsay, who had administered the drug in a glass of whiskey. It was too late for antidotes to save him and in about 20 minutes died in his office.

120 Years Ago

Recently it was announced that the Governor had imported a number of possums from Texas and was going to start a possum ranch. Some of his friends were disposed to be incredulous and cast some discredit on the story. Yesterday all doubts were set at rest as George, the foreman of the possum section of the Governor’s ranch, came to Carson direct with the first Nevada possum that has been killed.

60 Years Ago

An exhaustive FBI report nearly ready for the White House will indicate that Harvey Oswald acted lone and unassisted in the assassination of president Kennedy.

40 Years Ago

By John Fenrich, Appeal editor. Walking through the medium security prison called the Northern Nevada Correctional Center is not exactly what one would choose to do as a recreational activity, but it sure is educational.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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